Environment details….
These last couple of weeks I’ve been working mainly on detailing the environment.
- Textures have been added to all environment elements
- Buildings now have roofs and unique floors made of various material.
- Damaged walls now get cracked.
- The roads now feature various street signs, parking notices, etc.
Here is a video showing some gameplay where I demolish some buildings, chainsaw zombies and wreak havoc on some signs and street lights. At the end of the video you can see what happens when you deal too much damage to a vehicle:
This gameplay video also features some of the game’s original music, which is being written and recorded by James Watkins.
Please excuse the low framerate and quality…my video capture software sucks.
Next up is designing building interiors! I hope to have the interiors ready in a week or so. After that I’ll be working strictly on gameplay.
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